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2020-03-15 11:49


Living in today's world, experiencing the development of science and technology, the issue of childbirth has also improved slightly. Regular inspections and scientific care during pregnancy have given 全国十大试管婴儿医院排名 birth to some more protection.However, even if there is more protection, pregnant mothers still need to pay attention to it, and cannot be taken lightly.

Some children are easy to live, but it is also difficult 不孕不育检查月经:怀孕六个月孕妇,洗个澡导 to have children.A colleague in a friend's unit had been married for several years. With the look of her mother-in-law, it was not easy to conceive a child. The family was so happy that she guarded the colleague like a baby.But recently I heard a bad news, this colleague's child is gone, how can it be gone?How could a living child say that he would be gone without it?

It turned out that it was because colleagues did not pay attention to some details in their lives.So, it's a little strange. What is going on here?My colleague who is six months pregnant has prepared a lot of 如何自己助孕clothes, toys and milk powder for her child, and she also thinks very well. After all, she had a baby in time before the year before, but people are not as good as heaven.With such serious consequences, the whole family is sad.It's a little point that many people don't even care about, that is, taking a bath.

Having said that, it is not easy to conceive a child. For the mother, she is also very careful, and insists on a healthy diet in life. As long as you hear that it is not good for the baby's body, it is definitely notYes, in addition to that, insist on going to the gym every week for moderate exercise. I heard that exercise is also good for children.However, it is because of this movement that the mother lost her child with grief.

An ordinary day is nothing special.Colleagues also went to the gym to exercise as usual. Because they exercised a little longer, they caused a lot of sweat in their limbs. They wanted to take a shower for a while. This was the transformation. On that night, 振荡试管手法 the colleagues found the child's fetal movement ratioIt's usually serious, and it's a lot ahead of time. My heart started to worry a little, but my husband said that because of the heavy exercise today and the child felt tired, he protested a little.After talking, I fell asleep.Colleagues also caressed the stomach to comfort the child, and they have been stroking for a long time before the stomach gradually calmed down.

It happened that the next day I was going to the hospital for a birth check. A bad news came and the child disappeared from the belly!After the results came out, it turned out that the colleague had stayed in the closed bathroom for too long, it was because of that long time, and 俄罗斯代孕骗子 coupled with hot water stimulation, the pregnant mother herself was not breathing smoothly and there was hypoxia.Affected the child, the child also developed hypoxia in the abdomen.The fetal movement that night was, in the final analysis, a signal for the child to ask her mother for help.Neither mother nor father knew the cause, which led to the tragedy.

Sad or sad.The story of others can be used as a lesson to alert you.Don't let accidents happen one after another in life.So after all, what should pregnant mothers pay attention to when taking a bath during pregnancy?


每当您喜欢卫生时,在怀孕期间都必须注意卫生。因此,有必要洗澡,但应注意怀孕期间的洗澡与平常不一样。 主要的是水温。怀孕期间的水温需要在27到37个月之间进行调整。 这是因为,如果水温过高,则儿童的氧气摄入量将不足,并且在孕中期,必须注意这一点。许多儿童甚至会因为窒息而窒息。同样,冷热水的结合,对于孕妇来说,很容易影人工受孕的费用 响子宫和胎儿,建议不要将冷热水结合起来洗澡。


时间也是一个重要因素。最佳时间是15到20分钟。 洗澡时,室内环境变为通常的环境。 其中的空气会逐渐减少,温度会升高,氧气供应会相对不足,这将导致孕妇头昏,头晕和疲劳。同时,热水的刺激也会影响孕妇,这将导致孕妇全身的毛细血管扩张,这将导致孕妇大脑的血液供应不足。对于特定情况,可能会出现缺氧和胎儿心率加快等症状。 在严重的情况下,高血压神经系统的发育可能受到不利影响。因此,我们必须确定时间。


有些人特别喜欢在炎热的天气里洗澡,一天三到四次,但同样,有些人懒得洗澡,每周不能洗一次。 毕竟,在怀孕期间,每个人都有自己的洗澡频率,并且会经历不同的季节和习惯。特别是,建议在炎热的天气每天清洗一次,如果可能,每天清洗两次。天气寒冷时,您可以每三到四天清洗一次。 这是因为准妈妈的身体负担沉重,新陈代谢将逐渐增加,汗腺和皮脂腺比普通人更强壮,因此应始终注意清洁。

孕妇是高危人群。 他们不仅需要社会的关注,而且怀孕的母亲还需要做必要的知识和理解,对某些事情更专心,然后等待宝宝平安下来。
























